I once watched a video of a man shocking himself with a dog collar... he would turn up the voltage each time boasting that a human's mind could overcome the pain of a dog collar. The video proved otherwise. He writhed, screamed and grimaced in pain just as much if not more than his pet would have. Why do we torture ourselves? Why do we purposely let people put a dog collar on us and shock us with their words and their actions? They walk around free and easy, and we continue to let them use us, shock us, or hurt us in numerous ways. They didn't put the collar on us.. we put it on ourselves and we allow life to turn up the voltage. I for one am ready to take the collar off.. I will not allow anyone to control me anymore. I will be my own person and live in the boldness I was meant to live in. I will not be anyone's doormat or for that matter anyone's dog.. Shocking, isn't it?